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Keeping Your Dream Job

Enrollment is Closed

Course Overview

This course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make your dream job future-proof. By participating in this course, you will gain valuable insights into various aspects of your professional journey, equipping you to navigate workplace changes and challenges effectively.

Throughout the course, we will delve into key topics such as understanding your job functions, exploring workplace culture, and developing strategies to manage your career proactively. By identifying and refining your unique role within your job, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to align your skills and aspirations with the evolving demands of the future job market. Furthermore, we will examine the essential components and steps necessary for successfully adapting to workplace changes.

By providing you with practical tools and actionable insights, this course aims to foster your professional development, empowering you to achieve sustainable growth and success in your chosen career path.

What You Will Learn

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • identify personal roles and team functions in the workplace
  • determine the different components of a workplace
  • recognize the challenges in the workplace and ways of dealing with them
  • discover different ways to promote professional growth, skills development, and well-being

Course Content

Week 1: Discovering Your Role and the Workplace

4 Videos | 2 Activities

4 Videos

  • Welcome to the course!
  • My Personal Tasks in the Workplace
  • Recognizing Team Roles and Responsibilities
  • Discovering Workplace Challenges

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 2: Career Management

4 Videos | 2 Activities

4 Videos

  • Exploring the Professional Network
  • Keeping Your Skills and Knowledge Current
  • Recognize and Reward Your Own Work
  • Key Takeaways

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment
  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    1 hr./week (2 hours)
  5. Price
