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Experimental Design and Analysis

Development Academy of the Philippines
Enrollment is Closed

Course Overview

Testing is common in academia and the business world, especially when one wants to make sense of any part of a process in which a variation can lead to differential results. In the industry, the common approach is to change one factor at a time, while holding other factors constant. This can be highly inefficient and may lead to wrong conclusions. In this course, participants will learn how to design, run, and analyze experiments that allow simultaneous testing of all factors. This course imparts practical knowledge of experimental design and analysis by illustrating cases on the real-world implementation of experimentation.

What You Will Learn

Upon completion of this course, the learners are expected to:

  • understand the concept and purpose of Experimental Design;
  • know the different types of Experimental Design and understand when and how to properly carry them out; and
  • operationalize effective methodology for experimental plans and analysis of experimental data.


You will need a computer or laptop with Microsoft Excel installed. Computer or laptop requirements are:

  • For Windows: Core i3 or better, 4GB RAM or better, MS Excel 2007 or better
  • For MacBook: ideally MS Excel 2013 or newer should be installed (some functions require this version on the Mac). If the version of MS Excel is 2011, download and install StatPlus.

Note to SPARTA scholars: Upon enrollment, you will have 6 months to finish a SPARTA course. Failure to complete the course in 6 months and/or inactivity for 3 months will result in course access revocation.

Course Instructors

Course Staff Image #1

Atty. Rudolph Val Guarin

Subject Matter Expert

Course Staff Image #2

Joyce Raymond Punzalan

Subject Matter Expert

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to Experimental Designs

4 Videos | 5 Activities

4 Videos

  • Welcome to the course!
  • What is experimental design?
  • Purpose of Experimental Design
  • Seven Steps of DOE

5 Activities

  • Recall activities
  • Quiz: Introduction to Experimental Design

Week 2: Important Considerations in Planning and Running Experiments

8 Videos | 3 Activities

8 Videos

  • How do you select and scale the process variables?
  • How do you select an experimental design?
  • How to “Look” at DOE Data (2 videos)
  • How to interpret and confirm DOE results?
  • Features of Completely Randomized Design
  • One-way ANOVA
  • The Decision Function and Predicting Probabilities

3 Activities

  • Recall activities
  • Quiz: Planning and Running Experiments

Week 3: Utilizing Randomized Block and Factorial Designs Using ANOVA

4 Videos | 4 Activities

4 Videos

  • Randomized Block Design Samples (2 videos)
  • Full Factorial Designs in Two Levels
  • Steps in Conducting Factorial Design
  • Clustering

4 Activities

  • Recall Activities
  • Case Study
  • Quiz: Randomized Block and Factorial Designs

Week 4: Fractional Factorial and Other Experimental Designs

8 Videos | 3 Activities

8 Videos

  • Features of Fractional Factorial Designs
  • Steps in Conducting Fractional Factorial Design (2 videos)
  • Interaction and Polynomials
  • Univariate Non Linear Transformations, Automatic Feature Selection, and Utilizing Expert Knowledge
  • Plackett-Burman Designs
  • Generating a Mixed Three-Level and Two-Level Design
  • Adding Centerpoints

3 Activities

  • Recall Activities
  • Quiz: Fractional Factorial and Other Experimental Designs

Week 5: Regression and Response Surface Design

3 Videos | 4 Activities

3 Videos

  • Etymology
  • Regression Analysis
  • Key Takeaways

5 Activities

  • Recall Activities
  • Case Study
  • Quiz: Regression and Response Surface Design
  • Final Exam: Experimental Design and Analysis
  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    1-2 hours/week (10 hours)
  5. Price
