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Digital Transformation 101: Reimagining Businesses

Department of Information and Communications Technology
Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Course Overview

This course will introduce the learners to the basic level of digital in the digital economy, its features and characteristics. It also includes the shifts in the business paradigm and the nature of work in the new normal.

Digital Transformation is all around us. We increasingly use smartphones to communicate with our friends, family, read the news, order food or call taxis via apps. But what does this mean for our work life? Digital Transformation poses many challenges, but it also creates an abundance of new opportunities for your job and your company. Find out how to deal with chance and take advantage of the benefits.

What You Will Learn

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Know the basics of digital transformation
  • Learn about the digital economy: features and characteristics
  • Learn how digital transformation shifts in the business paradigm
  • Understand the nature of work in the new normal

Course Instructor

Course Staff Image #1

Dr. Chris Dayagdag

Subject Matter Expert

Course Content

Week 1: The Basics of Digital Transformation

7 Videos | 2 Activities

7 Videos

  • Welcome to the course!
  • Digital Transformation
  • Definition and Core Concepts
  • Why is digital transformation required?
  • What are the benefits of digital transformation?
  • How do you start digital transformation?
  • Summary

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 2: The Digital Economy: Features and Characteristics

5 Videos | 2 Activities

5 Videos

  • What is the digital economy?
  • Future of Work
  • Customer Experience
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Summary

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 3: Shifts in the Business Paradigm

5 Videos | 2 Activities

5 Videos

  • Digital in the Build Environment
  • Keeping in Touch
  • Going Paperless
  • The Cloud’s Silver Lining
  • Summary

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 4: Nature of Work in the New Normal

6 Videos | 2 Activities

6 Videos

  • What’s the ‘New Normal’ in the Future of Work
  • Remote Working
  • Where are you in your digital transformation?
  • Social Distancing’s Effect on Teams
  • Be Prepared to Return to the Office Differently
  • Key Takeaways

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

You can apply for access to the 36 FREE online courses by filling out this registration form. Your registration will be processed in 1-2 business days, and you will be notified via email once access is granted.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    2 hrs./week (8 hours)
  5. Price
