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Advanced Level of Cloud Computing

Department of Information and Communications Technology
Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Course Overview

In this course, we will learn about topics that will help you structure, build, and improve your cloud applications more effectively and efficiently.

We will have learning assessments every after major section to help you retain what you have learned. Finally, we will wrap things up and talk about how you can learn more and proceed with your cloud computing journey.

What You Will Learn

At the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge on how to design their own cloud solutions; secure solutions; optimize for cost and performance, and plan for unexpected downtimes

Course Instructor

Course Staff Image #1

Carlo Poblete

Subject Matter Expert

Course Content

Week 1: Designing a Cloud Solution and Performance

17 Videos | 2 Activities

17 Videos

  • Welcome to the course!
  • Cloud Solution Design Process
  • What are the requirements?
  • How do we find requirements?
  • What are components?
  • Usual Components in a Cloud Solution
  • What is integration?
  • How to Enable Integration in a Cloud Solution
  • SQL Database Optimizations
  • How to Enable SQL Database Optimizations
  • What are the different NoSQL consistency levels?
  • Selecting a Consistency Level
  • What is caching?
  • Enabling Caching in the Cloud
  • What is a CDN?
  • Using a CDN on a Cloud Platform
  • Summary

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 2: Cloud Networking and Security

18 Videos | 2 Activities

18 Videos

  • What are virtual networks?
  • When to Use Virtual Networks
  • Creating Virtual Networks
  • What is virtual network peering?
  • When to Use Virtual Network Peering
  • Setting Up Virtual Network Peering
  • What is ExpressRoute?
  • When to Use ExpressRoute
  • How to Set Up an ExpressRoute Connection
  • What is load balancing?
  • How to Set Up Load Balancing
  • What is role-based access control (RBAC)?
  • Setting Up RBAC
  • What is secret management?
  • How to Use a Key Vault for Secret Management
  • What are managed identities?
  • Using Managed Identities
  • Summary

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 3: Cost Management

13 Videos | 2 Activities

13 Videos

  • What is Cost Management
  • Monitoring Costs
  • What are storage tiers?
  • Selecting Storage Tiers
  • What is a resource budget?
  • Setting Up Resource Budgets
  • What is a scale set?
  • Creating a Scale Set
  • What are the app service scaling options?
  • How to Scale an App Service
  • Scaling Options in Kubernetes
  • Scaling Kubernetes Deployments
  • Summary

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

Week 4: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)

7 Videos | 2 Activities

7 Videos

  • What is redundancy?
  • Different Redundancy Options
  • Setting Up Resource Backups and Selecting a Redundancy Option
  • What is site recovery?
  • What are migrations?
  • How to Migrate Resources
  • Key Takeaways

2 Activities

  • Recall Activity
  • Exit Assessment

You can apply for access to the 36 FREE online courses by filling out this registration form. Your registration will be processed in 1-2 business days, and you will be notified via email once access is granted.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    2 hrs./week (8 hours)
  5. Price
